Collaboration and Professionalism

I find myself really hankering to get back to SMC after a summer off. Both the music and the camaraderie have a big place in my life.

I think one reason I’ve been missing it is that it seemed like last season we accomplished so much. The quality of each person’s playing improved, and our collective sound reached a new level of richness and, dare I say, professionalism - all while pursuing our fundamental goal of” Having Fun with Scottish Music.” And though it might seem trivial (especially if you’re new to the organization), we have learned to smile while we are playing!

So, let’s continue in that same direction! This year we will continue to offer extraordinary workshops from individuals with a range of expertise in Scottish music. In those situations where we have not engaged a workshop leader I am committed to managing our sessions with disciplined direction, while also utilizing one of our organization’s strengths: we have a very democratic model where observations and suggestions come from several of our players, presented in a way that allows them to be well-received and implemented. This musical collaboration is at the heart of what SMC means to me.


Annual SMC Picnic


Meet Scholarship Recipient Katie Hawn